Wireless 20/20 Website
Terms of Use

1.       Acceptance of Terms.  This World Wide Web site with its home page in the domain 'www.wireless2020.com', hereinafter referred to as the Web Site, is an information service provided to the public by Wireless 20/20, LLC. Hereinafter referred to as Wireless 20/20, at no charge to users of the World Wide Web, with the express condition that these users agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this Terms of Use Agreement.  Wireless 20/20 reserves the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time at its sole discretion, a nd you agree to abide by the most recent version of this Terms of Use Agreement each time you view, access or use the Web Site.  You are accordingly advised to consult the Terms of Use Agreement each time you view and use the Web Site.  Do not use or access the Web Site if you do not agree to all of the following terms and conditions.

2.       No Warranty. You acknowledge that the information on the Web Site is provided 'as is' for general information only.  Wireless 20/20 makes no warranties of any kind regarding this Web Site, including but not limited to any warranty of accuracy, completeness, currency, reliability, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or any warranty that these pages, or the computer server which makes them available, are free of viruses or other harmful elements, and such warranties are expressly disclaimed.

3.       Indemnity and Limitation of Liability. By using this Web Site, you agree to indemnify and defend Wireless 20/20 and its parents, shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, contractors and employees and hold them harmless from any and all claims and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising out of or related to your access or use of, or your inability to access or use, the Web Site.  In no event will Wireless 20/20 or any of the information contributors to the Web Site be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on such information or for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, even if Wireless 20/20 has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

4.       Links. Wireless 20/20 may provide links on the Web Site to other Web Sites, which are not under the control of Wireless 20/20. Such links do not necessarily constitute an endorsement by Wireless 20/20 of those sites and are provided for convenience or reference.  You further agree that in the event that you establish a link from any other site to this Web Site, you will immediately discontinue such link upon receiving written notice from Wireless 20/20 of its objection to any such link.

5.       Copyright. Everything on the Web Site is copyrighted.  All information and materials contained on this Web Site, including but not limited to all design, text and images, are owned or licensed by Wireless 20/20 and or its suppliers and contributors, and may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted, displayed, performed, distributed, rented, sublicensed, altered, stored by subsequent use or otherwise used in whole or in part in any manner without Wireless 20/20's prior written consent, except that the user may make such temporary copies in a single computer's RAM and hard drive as is necessary to browse the Web Site, and that the user may produce one permanent printout of each page of the Web Site (unmodified in form, with a copy of this Terms of Use Agreement attached) to be used by the user for personal and non-commercial uses which do not harm the reputation of Wireless 20/20.  Any attempt to infringe upon or to circumvent these copyrights or trademarks will subject the infringing individual or organization to severe criminal and civil penalties as prescribed by law.

6.       Jurisdiction and Choice of Law. This Web Site (excluding linked sites) is controlled by Wireless 20/20, which is headquartered in the State of New York, in the United States of America.  It may be accessed from all 50 states, as well as from other countries around the world.  Because each of these places has laws that may differ from those of New York, by accessing this Web Site you agree that the statutes and laws of the State of New York, without regard to conflicts of law principles thereof, will apply to all matters arising from or relating to the use of this Web Site.  You also agree and hereby submit to the exclusive legal jurisdiction and venues of the Courts of Orange County, New York and the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York with respect to such matters.  Individuals or organizations choosing to access this Web Site from other locations do so of their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.

7.       Intellectual Property Rights. Wireless 20/20 and/or its licensors shall own all rights, title and interests, including all intellectual property rights, in and to the Site and the Services, the software, materials and other content thereon and generated through the use thereof (excluding Your Content), and any suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations or other information provided by you or any other party relating to the Site or the Services. This Agreement is not a sale and does not convey to you any rights of ownership in or related to the Services, the Site, its content, or any intellectual property rights owned by Wireless 20/20. In addition, all content published on the Site, including, but not limited to, reports, presentations, written content, graphics, images, marks, logos, sound or video clips, and Flash or Java animation, are protected by our copyrights or trademarks or those of our partners or users.



Media Contact:

Robin Bestel




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